At Secure Illinois Retirements, we believe that a pension is a promise.

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Meet our Founding Executive Director: Katie Dunne

Katie hails from the Morgan Park neighborhood of Chicago, and brings decades of experience in public service, executive management, and nonprofit operations.   She proudly comes from a union family of public sector workers serving their communities as firefighters, law enforcement, teachers, and laborers.

She spent years working on complex issues, including public safety and health initiatives throughout Illinois, and is excited to take on the challenge of leading the team at Secure Illinois Retirements.

“The pension crisis is the most pressing issue impacting the future of our state. I have had the honor of working alongside so many incredible people during my time in government, who have worked nights, weekends, and holidays in service to the people of their communities. I have lost friends in the line of duty and others to the stressors of these professions.  Public sector workers and their families deserve safe and secure retirements.  We have to come together to ensure that pensions remain a promise fulfilled. ”


Secure Illinois Retirements is an independent, 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to bring public sector employees, elected officials, legislators, unions, and members of our communities to the table to encourage a discussion about sustainable solutions for the pension system.

Our board members are public sector workers and union members from across Illinois. We are honored to have current and former first responders, teachers, state employees, and municipal workers who will be leading our efforts to advocate for a fully funded pension system in Illinois.

Together, we can work to ensure local and state governments take the steps necessary to ensure Illinois has a fully funded pension system for all public sector workers.


Interested in joining our efforts? We would love to hear from you!

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We want everyone to have a seat at the table as we work to develop sustainable solutions for a fully funded pension system. We will continue to inform, educate, and convene discussions — because the pension system affects everyone in Illinois. Find us on social media or via our contact information below.

Phone: (312) 248-1762

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